Source code for feast.constants

#  Copyright 2019 The Feast Authors
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

[docs]class AuthProvider(Enum): GOOGLE = "google" OAUTH = "oauth"
[docs]class Option: def __init__(self, name, default): self._name = name self._default = default def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self._name.lower() return self._default
[docs]class ConfigMeta(type): """ Class factory which customizes ConfigOptions class instantiation. Specifically, setting configuration option's name to lowercase of capitalized variable. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): keys = [ k for k, v in attrs.items() if not k.startswith("_") and not callable(v) ] attrs["__config_keys__"] = keys attrs.update({k: Option(k, attrs[k]) for k in keys}) return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
#: Default datetime column name for point-in-time join DATETIME_COLUMN: str = "datetime" #: Environmental variable to specify Feast configuration file location FEAST_CONFIG_FILE_ENV: str = "FEAST_CONFIG" #: Default prefix to Feast environmental variables CONFIG_FEAST_ENV_VAR_PREFIX: str = "FEAST_" #: Default directory to Feast configuration file CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY: str = ".feast" #: Default Feast configuration file name CONFIG_FILE_NAME: str = "config" #: Default section in Feast configuration file to specify options CONFIG_FILE_SECTION: str = "general" # Maximum interval(secs) to wait between retries for retry function MAX_WAIT_INTERVAL: str = "60"
[docs]class ConfigOptions(metaclass=ConfigMeta): """ Feast Configuration Options """ #: Feast project namespace to use PROJECT: str = "default" #: Default Feast Core URL CORE_URL: str = "localhost:6565" #: Enable or disable TLS/SSL to Feast Core CORE_ENABLE_SSL: str = "False" #: Enable user authentication to Feast Core ENABLE_AUTH: str = "False" #: JWT Auth token for user authentication to Feast AUTH_TOKEN: Optional[str] = None #: Path to certificate(s) to secure connection to Feast Core CORE_SERVER_SSL_CERT: str = "" #: Default Feast Serving URL SERVING_URL: str = "localhost:6566" #: Enable or disable TLS/SSL to Feast Serving SERVING_ENABLE_SSL: str = "False" #: Path to certificate(s) to secure connection to Feast Serving SERVING_SERVER_SSL_CERT: str = "" #: Default Feast Job Service URL JOB_SERVICE_URL: Optional[str] = None #: Enable or disable TLS/SSL to Feast Job Service JOB_SERVICE_ENABLE_SSL: str = "False" #: Path to certificate(s) to secure connection to Feast Job Service JOB_SERVICE_SERVER_SSL_CERT: str = "" #: Enable or disable control loop for Feast Job Service JOB_SERVICE_ENABLE_CONTROL_LOOP: str = "False" #: Default connection timeout to Feast Serving, Feast Core, and Feast Job Service (in seconds) GRPC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: str = "10" #: Default gRPC connection timeout when sending an ApplyFeatureTable command to Feast Core (in seconds) GRPC_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_APPLY: str = "600" #: Default timeout when running batch ingestion BATCH_INGESTION_PRODUCTION_TIMEOUT: str = "120" #: Time to wait for historical feature requests before timing out. BATCH_FEATURE_REQUEST_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS: str = "600" #: Endpoint URL for S3 storage_client S3_ENDPOINT_URL: Optional[str] = None #: Account name for Azure blob storage_client AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_NAME: Optional[str] = None #: Account access key for Azure blob storage_client AZURE_BLOB_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY: Optional[str] = None #: Authentication Provider - Google OpenID/OAuth #: #: Options: "google" / "oauth" AUTH_PROVIDER: str = "google" #: Spark Job launcher. The choice of storage is connected to the choice of SPARK_LAUNCHER. #: #: Options: "standalone", "dataproc", "emr" SPARK_LAUNCHER: Optional[str] = None #: Feast Spark Job ingestion jobs staging location. The choice of storage is connected to the choice of SPARK_LAUNCHER. #: #: Eg. gs://some-bucket/output/, s3://some-bucket/output/, file:///data/subfolder/ SPARK_STAGING_LOCATION: Optional[str] = None #: Feast Spark Job ingestion jar file. The choice of storage is connected to the choice of SPARK_LAUNCHER. #: #: Eg. "dataproc" (http and gs), "emr" (http and s3), "standalone" (http and file) SPARK_INGESTION_JAR: str = "" #: Spark resource manager master url SPARK_STANDALONE_MASTER: str = "local[*]" #: Directory where Spark is installed SPARK_HOME: Optional[str] = None #: The project id where the materialized view of BigQuerySource is going to be created #: by default, use the same project where view is located SPARK_BQ_MATERIALIZATION_PROJECT: Optional[str] = None #: The dataset id where the materialized view of BigQuerySource is going to be created #: by default, use the same dataset where view is located SPARK_BQ_MATERIALIZATION_DATASET: Optional[str] = None #: Dataproc cluster to run Feast Spark Jobs in DATAPROC_CLUSTER_NAME: Optional[str] = None #: Project of Dataproc cluster DATAPROC_PROJECT: Optional[str] = None #: Region of Dataproc cluster DATAPROC_REGION: Optional[str] = None #: No. of executor instances for Dataproc cluster DATAPROC_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES = "2" #: No. of executor cores for Dataproc cluster DATAPROC_EXECUTOR_CORES = "2" #: No. of executor memory for Dataproc cluster DATAPROC_EXECUTOR_MEMORY = "2g" # namespace to use for Spark jobs launched using k8s spark operator SPARK_K8S_NAMESPACE = "default" # expect k8s spark operator to be running in the same cluster as Feast SPARK_K8S_USE_INCLUSTER_CONFIG = "True" # SparkApplication resource template # Eg. '/home/jovyan/work/sparkapp-template.yaml' SPARK_K8S_JOB_TEMPLATE_PATH = None #: File format of historical retrieval features HISTORICAL_FEATURE_OUTPUT_FORMAT: str = "parquet" #: File location of historical retrieval features HISTORICAL_FEATURE_OUTPUT_LOCATION: Optional[str] = None #: Default Redis host REDIS_HOST: str = "localhost" #: Default Redis port REDIS_PORT: str = "6379" #: Enable or disable TLS/SSL to Redis REDIS_SSL: str = "False" #: Enable or disable StatsD STATSD_ENABLED: str = "False" #: Default StatsD port STATSD_HOST: Optional[str] = None #: Default StatsD port STATSD_PORT: Optional[str] = None #: Ingestion Job DeadLetter Destination. The choice of storage is connected to the choice of SPARK_LAUNCHER. #: #: Eg. gs://some-bucket/output/, s3://some-bucket/output/, file:///data/subfolder/ DEADLETTER_PATH: str = "" #: ProtoRegistry Address (currently only Stencil Server is supported as registry) #: STENCIL_URL: str = "" #: If set to true rows that do not pass custom validation (see feast.contrib.validation) #: won't be saved to Online Storage INGESTION_DROP_INVALID_ROWS = "False" #: EMR cluster to run Feast Spark Jobs in EMR_CLUSTER_ID: Optional[str] = None #: Region of EMR cluster EMR_REGION: Optional[str] = None #: Template path of EMR cluster EMR_CLUSTER_TEMPLATE_PATH: Optional[str] = None #: Log path of EMR cluster EMR_LOG_LOCATION: Optional[str] = None #: Oauth grant type OAUTH_GRANT_TYPE: Optional[str] = None #: Oauth client ID OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: Optional[str] = None #: Oauth client secret OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: Optional[str] = None #: Oauth intended recipients OAUTH_AUDIENCE: Optional[str] = None #: Oauth token request url OAUTH_TOKEN_REQUEST_URL: Optional[str] = None #: Telemetry enabled TELEMETRY = "True" #: Object store registry REGISTRY_PATH: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def defaults(self): return { k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__config_keys__ if getattr(self, k) is not None }