Source code for feast.loaders.abstract_producer

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from typing import Optional, Union

from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class AbstractProducer: """ Abstract class for Kafka producers """ def __init__(self, brokers: str, row_count: int, disable_progress_bar: bool): self.brokers = brokers self.row_count = row_count # Progress bar will always display average rate self.pbar = tqdm( total=row_count, unit="rows", smoothing=0, disable=disable_progress_bar )
[docs] def produce(self, topic: str, data: bytes): message = "{} should implement a produce method".format(self.__class__.__name__) raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def flush(self, timeout: int): message = "{} should implement a flush method".format(self.__class__.__name__) raise NotImplementedError(message)
def _inc_pbar(self, meta): self.pbar.update(1) def _set_error(self, exception: str): raise Exception(exception)
[docs] def print_results(self) -> None: """ Print ingestion statistics. Returns: None: None """ # Refresh and close tqdm progress bar self.pbar.refresh() self.pbar.close() print("Ingestion complete!") print(f"\nIngestion statistics:" f"\nSuccess: {self.pbar.n}/{self.row_count}") return None
[docs]class ConfluentProducer(AbstractProducer): """ Concrete implementation of Confluent Kafka producer (confluent-kafka) """ def __init__(self, brokers: str, row_count: int, disable_progress_bar: bool): from confluent_kafka import Producer self.producer = Producer({"bootstrap.servers": brokers}) super().__init__(brokers, row_count, disable_progress_bar)
[docs] def produce(self, topic: str, value: bytes) -> None: """ Generic produce that implements confluent-kafka's produce method to push a byte encoded object into a Kafka topic. Args: topic (str): Kafka topic. value (bytes): Byte encoded object. Returns: None: None. """ try: self.producer.produce(topic, value=value, callback=self._delivery_callback) # Serve delivery callback queue. # NOTE: Since produce() is an asynchronous API this poll() call # will most likely not serve the delivery callback for the # last produce()d message. self.producer.poll(0) except Exception as ex: self._set_error(str(ex)) return None
[docs] def flush(self, timeout: Optional[int]): """ Generic flush that implements confluent-kafka's flush method. Args: timeout (Optional[int]): Timeout in seconds to wait for completion. Returns: int: Number of messages still in queue. """ messages = self.producer.flush(timeout=timeout) if messages: raise Exception("Not all Kafka messages are successfully delivered.") return messages
def _delivery_callback(self, err: str, msg) -> None: """ Optional per-message delivery callback (triggered by poll() or flush()) when a message has been successfully delivered or permanently failed delivery (after retries). Although the msg argument is not used, the current method signature is required as specified in the confluent-kafka documentation. Args: err (str): Error message. msg (): Kafka message. Returns: None """ if err: self._set_error(err) else: self._inc_pbar(None)
[docs]class KafkaPythonProducer(AbstractProducer): """ Concrete implementation of Python Kafka producer (kafka-python) """ def __init__(self, brokers: str, row_count: int, disable_progress_bar: bool): from kafka import KafkaProducer self.producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=[brokers]) super().__init__(brokers, row_count, disable_progress_bar)
[docs] def produce(self, topic: str, value: bytes): """ Generic produce that implements kafka-python's send method to push a byte encoded object into a Kafka topic. Args: topic (str): Kafka topic. value (bytes): Byte encoded object. Returns: FutureRecordMetadata: resolves to RecordMetadata Raises: KafkaTimeoutError: if unable to fetch topic metadata, or unable to obtain memory buffer prior to configured max_block_ms """ return ( self.producer.send(topic, value=value) .add_callback(self._inc_pbar) .add_errback(self._set_error) )
[docs] def flush(self, timeout: Optional[int]): """ Generic flush that implements kafka-python's flush method. Args: timeout (Optional[int]): timeout in seconds to wait for completion. Returns: None Raises: KafkaTimeoutError: failure to flush buffered records within the provided timeout """ messages = self.producer.flush(timeout=timeout) if messages: raise Exception("Not all Kafka messages are successfully delivered.") return messages
[docs]def get_producer( brokers: str, row_count: int, disable_progress_bar: bool ) -> Union[ConfluentProducer, KafkaPythonProducer]: """ Simple context helper function that returns a AbstractProducer object when invoked. This helper function will try to import confluent-kafka as a producer first. This helper function will fallback to kafka-python if it fails to import confluent-kafka. Args: brokers (str): Kafka broker information with hostname and port. row_count (int): Number of rows in table Returns: Union[ConfluentProducer, KafkaPythonProducer]: Concrete implementation of a Kafka producer. Ig can be: * confluent-kafka producer * kafka-python producer """ try: return ConfluentProducer(brokers, row_count, disable_progress_bar) except ImportError: print("Unable to import confluent-kafka, falling back to kafka-python") return KafkaPythonProducer(brokers, row_count, disable_progress_bar)